Tuesday, March 20, 2012

When it rains...

It was a long weekend for me. Monday came around and it just felt dismal. It was even complete with rain clouds and gray skies. I went into class feeling like someone had hit me over the head with Thor’s hammer. It just felt like it was going to be just one of those days. My mythology teacher didn’t brighten my mood either. He was talking about how disappointed he was in everyone’s paper. I was just surprised that I didn’t get an F. Turns out that I just needed more context. When it rains it pours and I seriously need to start writing better papers. The teacher and a student acted out a scene in front of the class, and I think that helped lifted some spirits. My spirit was still a little off today. I swear my words were just pouring out sarcasm. I think the only saving grace is that I got to see one of the guys that I like. A situation that I myself am unsure about, but I guess we will just see where the pieces fall. It’s like every time I’m around him I have no idea what to say, or how to speak. It’s kind of sad really, but as I said a situation that I haven’t figured out just yet.

My dating life is almost non-existent. I have to sit there and watch my friends be about perfect with their relationships. They found people who are equally geeky and nerdy. I always think to myself, ‘Why can’t that be me?’ I long for something special like that. Oh well, we all can’t have everything and nothing really is ever perfect. I guess I should just be satisfied that I’m going to school.

I think I might take an art class in the fall…I do so dearly miss drawing.

Tip: thank goodness it’s a new week…. if the last week is in bad shape, can always hope that next week will be better.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Colds are such a set back

There is one thing that stands between you and college classes. That is catching a cold. I personally blame it on the weather shifting here in the Midwest. We go from super cold winter nights, to spring weather in the span of a week. This leaves me laid up in bed with nothing better to do than play video games and watch TV. I know the glamorous life of a poor college student. What makes this even better is that I am surrounded by snack foods of all sorts, and because my taste buds are so out of whack I can’t really taste most of it.

Not to forget that I have a paper to still write for my mythology class and I am in no mood to actually write it. It requires research and making points on comparing the same character in 4 different plays and how each play makes the character different. It really is kind of a hassle as I am in no mood to write and research the topic. Instead I’m going to sit here, sip tea, and hope that I am better by tomorrow so that I can write the stupid thing.

I’m not a full-time student, or over the top beyond full-time student, but a cold is a cold. I still don’t know why I remain in school and to what greater purpose it is going to lead me in. This cold is a set back and it sucks. However, we do have to roll with the punches when it comes to this sort of thing. So I’m going to curl up with a blanket, continue to watch CW Teen drama shows and hope that I am better tomorrow.

Piece of advice for students this cold season…drink plenty of vitamin C, stay healthy, and if you end up catching a cold...throw it right back!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I have skimmed my mind for good topics to be discussed here, but since I have a cold nothing honestly is surfacing. So instead I'm going to rant about how my Literature class is going. Today we ended our section on the search for the ideal society. The two books that we had to read for this was Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, and Eye of The Heron by Ursula Le Guin. One obviously being a 17th century writer, and the other is modern. Both books reflect different societies, but I did not have trouble with either of these books. The trouble came when the 2nd group of presenters discussed the topic. See in Lit class we have to pick a section to do group work with. I was a part of the first group to go. We have to choose a book that relates to the section and then present it to the class.

The book that the second group choose was called A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. It is not a happy book according to my Lit teacher. Though the students who were presenting did not seem all that thrilled about it either. They each shared their part of the presentation, but towards the end the one guy took over the discussion questions. He started comparing drugs and cloning to modern day society. Honestly I was more interested in knowing more about the book and their thoughts on what the ideal society is to them. We didn't read the books so they got up on stage and pranced about, giving us a very brief description and then tried to compare certain aspects of the book to us. It just felt like it was an empty discussion because they went off on debated issues that had nothing to do with an ideal society.

It felt like they knew what they were talking about, but it felt so disconnected that it was hard to follow. I hate it when presenters do not make their point concise, clear, and loud. I honestly hope that the next group has more interesting points to make from here on out. Not only that, but the only person offering an opinion in the group itself was one guy who had read the book 3 times.

Needless to say I was disappointed in the presentation. That aside, the rest of the class period was dedicated to talking about The Bhagavad Gita. Which is a part of the longest epic poem ever written. I won't go into religious discussion here, but essentially we talked about Dharma and what it really means in the Hindu religion. That was a captivating discussion. I'm just still surprised that I learned about this sort of thing through one of my art history courses. After class was done I went off to go write a paper for my Lit class (which is due by midnight tonight). Well...one paper down, one to go. I finished it in time, even with the cold that I seem to be getting.

Piece of advice...start your papers early, don't procrastinate till the last minute like I do.